NEXT at the Ridge
Be a part of what God is doing for the future
NEXT is our capital campaign to support the expansion of our campuses to provide environments for people to know, grow, and serve Jesus, both for those who currently attend the Ridge and for those who have yet to come to our church.
Our elders and church staff have been praying about how to respond to growth in our church for years. Since 2004, when we had 350 people attending Sunday services, to now with over 8,000 adults, students and kids coming to our four campuses a week. We have continued to take reasonable steps to respond to what God is doing in bringing people to Himself through the Ridge.
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-_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2584 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4890 +ownerId: 4890 +typeId: 19 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 7 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2589 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4890 +ownerId: 4890 +typeId: 19 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 11 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2594 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4890 +ownerId: 4890 +typeId: 12 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null 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null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "57d78751-9236-48da-9194-163564b90c71" +siteSettingsId: 360564 +fieldLayoutId: 34 +structureId: 75894 +contentId: 132718 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1729607646 {#2606 …1} +dateUpdated: DateTime @1729607646 {#2607 …1} +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 504374 +lft: 24 +rgt: 25 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2584} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null 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false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2583} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2587 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: "<p>We have launched our fourth campus to serve the Highland Lakes area! There are over 10,000 new home construction permits in the area, with many people driving over 45 minutes to our campuses each week. </p>" +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: "Project Details" +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null 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+when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null …82 } ] +id: 279374 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "f3bf8dd3-fcc0-4459-8192-681b027105f6" +siteSettingsId: 279366 +fieldLayoutId: 47 +structureId: 75894 +contentId: 110251 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1713559524 {#2588 : 2024-04-19 15:45:24.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1729201811 {#2590 : 2024-10-17 16:50:11.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 504374 +lft: 14 +rgt: 15 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2576} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2585 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: "<p>We are in the design development phase as we prepare to build a chapel for weddings, funerals, equipping classes, Bible studies, and more, continuing to make use of the 78 acres that God has provided on our Bee Cave Campus.</p>" +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null 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+showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null 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"a98666f8-ea88-463b-8e60-275317b12a76" +siteSettingsId: 279363 +fieldLayoutId: 47 +structureId: 75894 +contentId: 110250 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1713559523 {#2582 : 2024-04-19 15:45:23.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1728825462 {#2574 : 2024-10-13 08:17:42.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 504374 +lft: 12 +rgt: 13 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2572} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2581 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: "<p>We are under contract to purchase the land and church facility currently known as Great Hills Baptist Church. The church is located in the center of the Austin Metro region next to the Arboretum and Domain.</p>" +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: "Project Details" +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: null +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: "0" +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: "{"label":"White","color":[{"color":"#FFFFFF","background":"bg-white","headingColor":"text-black","text":"text-black"}],"class":""}" +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: "North Hills Campus" +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null 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+hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2568} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2580 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: "<p>We have already completed the strategic design phase of this project and are moving into design development, which will culminate in construction documents to allow us to hire a general contractor to build a permanent campus with a 1,000-seat worship center for our Dripping Springs community. <br /></p>" +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: "Project Details" +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: null +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null 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"ef7f24a0-3ca0-4c86-909f-f02404761170" +siteSettingsId: 279360 +fieldLayoutId: 47 +structureId: 75894 +contentId: 110249 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1713559523 {#2578 : 2024-04-19 15:45:23.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1727992077 {#2579 : 2024-10-03 16:47:57.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 504374 +lft: 8 +rgt: 9 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2564} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] 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Please make a 3-year pledge to help us plan for the financial funding of these projects.<br /><br /><strong>Pledge Based on your current campus:</strong></p>" +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: "Make a 3-Year Pledge" +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: null +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: "0" +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: "{"label":"Brand Blue Dark","color":[{"color":"#3f5F6F","background":"bg-brand-blue-dark","headingColor":"text-white","text":"text-white"}],"class":""}" +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: "How to Participate" +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null 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false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: false -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2567 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLink {#2617 +customQuery: null +linkedId: 362598 +linkedSiteId: null +linkedTitle: null +linkedUrl: null +ariaLabel: null +customText: "How We Handle Gifts at the Ridge" +target: "" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2637} #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#975} #_owner: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2564} #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] : null : "How We Handle Gifts at the Ridge" : "" : null : null : 362598 : null : null : null } +blocks: null +body: craft\redactor\FieldData {#2613 -_rawContent: """ <p>NEXT is our capital campaign to support the expansion of our campuses to provide environments for people to know, grow, and serve Jesus, both for those who currently attend the Ridge and for those who have yet to come to our church.</p>\r\n <p>Our elders and church staff have been praying about how to respond to growth in our church for years. Since 2004, when we had 350 people attending Sunday services, to now with over 8,000 adults, students and kids coming to our four campuses a week. We have continued to take reasonable steps to respond to what God is doing in bringing people to Himself through the Ridge.<br></p> """ -content: """ <p>NEXT is our capital campaign to support the expansion of our campuses to provide environments for people to know, grow, and serve Jesus, both for those who currently attend the Ridge and for those who have yet to come to our church.</p>\r\n <p>Our elders and church staff have been praying about how to respond to growth in our church for years. Since 2004, when we had 350 people attending Sunday services, to now with over 8,000 adults, students and kids coming to our four campuses a week. We have continued to take reasonable steps to respond to what God is doing in bringing people to Himself through the Ridge.<br></p> """ -charset: "UTF-8" } +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: craft\redactor\FieldData {#2603 -_rawContent: "<p>Be a part of what God is doing for the future</p>" -content: "<p>Be a part of what God is doing for the future</p>" -charset: "UTF-8" } +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: null +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: craft\fields\data\ColorData {#2644 -_hex: "#343535" } +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: benf\neo\elements\Block {#2564} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 17025 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "03f9fd64-8bf8-4e8d-ba17-ecbc64732d4c" +siteSettingsId: 17025 +fieldLayoutId: 39 +structureId: 75894 +contentId: 12138 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1661658038 {#2565 : 2022-08-27 22:40:38.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1730991362 {#2566 : 2024-11-07 08:56:02.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 504374 +lft: 2 +rgt: 3 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] : null : "How We Handle Gifts at the Ridge" : "" : null : null : 362598 : null : null : null }primary
How to Participate
If you call the Ridge “home,” we ask you to prayerfully consider giving to help Build Kingdom through the NEXT Campaign. Please make a 3-year pledge to help us plan for the financial funding of these projects.
Pledge Based on your current campus:
lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#2785 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Bee Cave" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "URL" +inputType: "url" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "url" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692 +allowCustomText: true +allowTarget: true +autoNoReferrer: true +customTextMaxLength: 0 +customTextRequired: false +defaultLinkName: "entry" +defaultText: "" +enableAriaLabel: false +enableAllLinkTypes: false +enableElementCache: true +enableTitle: false -_linkTypes: lenz\linkfield\models\LinkTypeCollection {#2780 -_types: array:10 [ "url" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} "custom" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2782 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Custom" +inputType: "text" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: false +name: "custom" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "email" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2783 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Mail" +inputType: "email" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "email" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "tel" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2779 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Telephone" +inputType: "tel" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "tel" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "asset" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2775 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Asset" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "asset" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "category" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2777 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Category" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "category" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "entry" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2772 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Entry" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "entry" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "user" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2774 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\User" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "user" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "site" => lenz\linkfield\models\site\SiteLinkType {#2773 +displayName: "Site" +sites: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "site" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "solspaceCalendar-event" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2768 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "Solspace\Calendar\Elements\Event" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Solspace calendar" +enabled: true +name: "solspaceCalendar-event" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } ] } -_linkTypeSettings: array:10 [ "asset" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "category" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "custom" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => false ] "email" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "entry" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "site" => array:2 [ "enabled" => false "sites" => "*" ] "solspaceCalendar-event" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "tel" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "url" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "user" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => false "sources" => "*" ] ] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736 +owner: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} +attributeTypes: array:15 [ "name" => "string" "handle" => "string" "groupId" => "integer" "id" => "integer" "allowCustomText" => "boolean" "allowTarget" => "boolean" "autoNoReferrer" => "boolean" "customTextMaxLength" => "integer" "customTextRequired" => "boolean" "defaultLinkName" => "string" "defaultText" => "string" "enableAriaLabel" => "boolean" "enableAllLinkTypes" => "boolean" "enableElementCache" => "boolean" "enableTitle" => "boolean" ] +skipOnNull: true +typecastAfterValidate: true +typecastBeforeSave: false +typecastAfterSave: false +typecastAfterFind: false -_attachedEvents: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => "afterValidate" ] } 1 => "afterValidate" ] 1 => null ] ] ] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "typecast" => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736} ] +id: "57" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2840 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1662116993 {#2866 : 2022-09-02 06:09:53.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link" +handle: "linkField" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "2377cac0-0d18-473a-b532-19dfdc49f4e5" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: true +sortOrder: null } #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 1 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687 #optgroups: true +options: array:5 [ 0 => array:3 [ "label" => "Light Blue Button" "value" => "primary" "default" => "1" ] 1 => array:3 [ "label" => "Dark Blue Button" "value" => "secondary" "default" => "" ] 2 => array:3 [ "label" => "White Button" "value" => "tertiary" "default" => "" ] 3 => array:3 [ "label" => "Simple Link" "value" => "btnLink" "default" => "" ] 4 => array:3 [ "label" => "Christmas Button" "value" => "christmas" "default" => "" ] ] +columnType: "string" #multi: false -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "58" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2881 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732204209 {#2739 : 2024-11-21 09:50:09.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link Style" +handle: "linkStyle" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "f038ebc4-450a-44e4-a07f-58de0e22bdc8" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 2 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 3 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2792 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 4 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: false -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2793 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2792} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369211 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "6779079e-4182-43e8-b459-823f1efd903e" +siteSettingsId: 369203 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43599 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2794 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2795 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2797 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369210 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "9c5866ba-f063-4fae-89c4-4cc3ff2321f4" +siteSettingsId: 369202 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43598 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2798 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2799 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2801 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369209 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "1677604c-9709-4ca1-b507-bad09769fdb9" +siteSettingsId: 369201 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43597 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2802 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2803 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: false -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2804 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#2786 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Bee Cave" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814} #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] : null : "Bee Cave" : "_blank" : null : "" } +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: craft\fields\data\SingleOptionFieldData {#2757 -_options: array:5 [ 0 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2763 +label: "Light Blue Button" +value: "primary" +selected: false +valid: true } 1 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2760 +label: "Dark Blue Button" +value: "secondary" +selected: false +valid: true } 2 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2776 +label: "White Button" +value: "tertiary" +selected: false +valid: true } 3 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2761 +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } 4 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2759 +label: "Christmas Button" +value: "christmas" +selected: false +valid: true } ] +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 220136 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "0c4516f1-960b-4ccc-be0b-03e6fc68e5bf" +siteSettingsId: 220128 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 31366 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1706298783 {#2807 : 2024-01-26 13:53:03.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2806 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null : null : "Bee Cave" : "_blank" : null : "" }btnLink
lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#2717 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Dripping Springs" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "URL" +inputType: "url" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "url" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692 +allowCustomText: true +allowTarget: true +autoNoReferrer: true +customTextMaxLength: 0 +customTextRequired: false +defaultLinkName: "entry" +defaultText: "" +enableAriaLabel: false +enableAllLinkTypes: false +enableElementCache: true +enableTitle: false -_linkTypes: lenz\linkfield\models\LinkTypeCollection {#2780 -_types: array:10 [ "url" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} "custom" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2782 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Custom" +inputType: "text" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: false +name: "custom" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "email" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2783 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Mail" +inputType: "email" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "email" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "tel" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2779 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Telephone" +inputType: "tel" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "tel" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "asset" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2775 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Asset" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "asset" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "category" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2777 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Category" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "category" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "entry" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2772 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Entry" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "entry" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "user" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2774 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\User" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "user" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "site" => lenz\linkfield\models\site\SiteLinkType {#2773 +displayName: "Site" +sites: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "site" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "solspaceCalendar-event" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2768 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "Solspace\Calendar\Elements\Event" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Solspace calendar" +enabled: true +name: "solspaceCalendar-event" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } ] } -_linkTypeSettings: array:10 [ "asset" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "category" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "custom" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => false ] "email" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "entry" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "site" => array:2 [ "enabled" => false "sites" => "*" ] "solspaceCalendar-event" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "tel" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "url" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "user" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => false "sources" => "*" ] ] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736 +owner: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} +attributeTypes: array:15 [ "name" => "string" "handle" => "string" "groupId" => "integer" "id" => "integer" "allowCustomText" => "boolean" "allowTarget" => "boolean" "autoNoReferrer" => "boolean" "customTextMaxLength" => "integer" "customTextRequired" => "boolean" "defaultLinkName" => "string" "defaultText" => "string" "enableAriaLabel" => "boolean" "enableAllLinkTypes" => "boolean" "enableElementCache" => "boolean" "enableTitle" => "boolean" ] +skipOnNull: true +typecastAfterValidate: true +typecastBeforeSave: false +typecastAfterSave: false +typecastAfterFind: false -_attachedEvents: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => "afterValidate" ] } 1 => "afterValidate" ] 1 => null ] ] ] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "typecast" => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736} ] +id: "57" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2840 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1662116993 {#2866 : 2022-09-02 06:09:53.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link" +handle: "linkField" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "2377cac0-0d18-473a-b532-19dfdc49f4e5" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: true +sortOrder: null } #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 2 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687 #optgroups: true +options: array:5 [ 0 => array:3 [ "label" => "Light Blue Button" "value" => "primary" "default" => "1" ] 1 => array:3 [ "label" => "Dark Blue Button" "value" => "secondary" "default" => "" ] 2 => array:3 [ "label" => "White Button" "value" => "tertiary" "default" => "" ] 3 => array:3 [ "label" => "Simple Link" "value" => "btnLink" "default" => "" ] 4 => array:3 [ "label" => "Christmas Button" "value" => "christmas" "default" => "" ] ] +columnType: "string" #multi: false -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "58" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2881 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732204209 {#2739 : 2024-11-21 09:50:09.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link Style" +handle: "linkStyle" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "f038ebc4-450a-44e4-a07f-58de0e22bdc8" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 3 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2792 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 4 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: false -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2793 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2792} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369211 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "6779079e-4182-43e8-b459-823f1efd903e" +siteSettingsId: 369203 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43599 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2794 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2795 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2797 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369210 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "9c5866ba-f063-4fae-89c4-4cc3ff2321f4" +siteSettingsId: 369202 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43598 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2798 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2799 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 1 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687} ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_prevElement: false -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2804 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#2786 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Bee Cave" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814} #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] : null : "Bee Cave" : "_blank" : null : "" } +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: craft\fields\data\SingleOptionFieldData {#2757 -_options: array:5 [ 0 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2763 +label: "Light Blue Button" +value: "primary" +selected: false +valid: true } 1 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2760 +label: "Dark Blue Button" +value: "secondary" +selected: false +valid: true } 2 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2776 +label: "White Button" +value: "tertiary" +selected: false +valid: true } 3 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2761 +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } 4 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2759 +label: "Christmas Button" +value: "christmas" +selected: false +valid: true } ] +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 220136 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "0c4516f1-960b-4ccc-be0b-03e6fc68e5bf" +siteSettingsId: 220128 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 31366 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1706298783 {#2807 : 2024-01-26 13:53:03.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2806 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2801 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#2785 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Dripping Springs" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] : null : "Dripping Springs" : "_blank" : null : "" } +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: craft\fields\data\SingleOptionFieldData {#2766 -_options: array:5 [ 0 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2762 +label: "Light Blue Button" +value: "primary" +selected: false +valid: true } 1 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2882 +label: "Dark Blue Button" +value: "secondary" +selected: false +valid: true } 2 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2753 +label: "White Button" +value: "tertiary" +selected: false +valid: true } 3 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2889 +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } 4 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2749 +label: "Christmas Button" +value: "christmas" +selected: false +valid: true } ] +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: 369209 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "1677604c-9709-4ca1-b507-bad09769fdb9" +siteSettingsId: 369201 +fieldLayoutId: 30 +structureId: null +contentId: 43597 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2802 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732550980 {#2803 : 2024-11-25 10:09:40.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } #_root: false -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null : null : "Dripping Springs" : "_blank" : null : "" }btnLink
lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLink {#3014 +linkedUrl: "" +ariaLabel: null +customText: "Highland Lakes" +target: "_blank" +title: null #_linkType: lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "URL" +inputType: "url" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "url" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } #_field: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692 +allowCustomText: true +allowTarget: true +autoNoReferrer: true +customTextMaxLength: 0 +customTextRequired: false +defaultLinkName: "entry" +defaultText: "" +enableAriaLabel: false +enableAllLinkTypes: false +enableElementCache: true +enableTitle: false -_linkTypes: lenz\linkfield\models\LinkTypeCollection {#2780 -_types: array:10 [ "url" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2770} "custom" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2782 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Custom" +inputType: "text" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: false +name: "custom" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "email" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2783 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Mail" +inputType: "email" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "email" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "tel" => lenz\linkfield\models\input\InputLinkType {#2779 +allowAliases: false +disableValidation: false +displayName: "Telephone" +inputType: "tel" +placeholder: "" +displayGroup: "Input fields" +enabled: true +name: "tel" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "asset" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2775 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Asset" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "asset" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "category" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2777 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Category" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "category" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "entry" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2772 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\Entry" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: true +name: "entry" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "user" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2774 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "craft\elements\User" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "user" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "site" => lenz\linkfield\models\site\SiteLinkType {#2773 +displayName: "Site" +sites: "*" +displayGroup: "Craft CMS" +enabled: false +name: "site" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } "solspaceCalendar-event" => lenz\linkfield\models\element\ElementLinkType {#2768 +allowCrossSiteLink: false +allowCustomQuery: false +elementType: "Solspace\Calendar\Elements\Event" +sources: "*" +displayGroup: "Solspace calendar" +enabled: true +name: "solspaceCalendar-event" -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: null } ] } -_linkTypeSettings: array:10 [ "asset" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "category" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "custom" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => false ] "email" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "entry" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "site" => array:2 [ "enabled" => false "sites" => "*" ] "solspaceCalendar-event" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => true "sources" => "*" ] "tel" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "url" => array:3 [ "allowAliases" => false "disableValidation" => false "enabled" => true ] "user" => array:4 [ "allowCrossSiteLink" => false "allowCustomQuery" => false "enabled" => false "sources" => "*" ] ] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736 +owner: lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} +attributeTypes: array:15 [ "name" => "string" "handle" => "string" "groupId" => "integer" "id" => "integer" "allowCustomText" => "boolean" "allowTarget" => "boolean" "autoNoReferrer" => "boolean" "customTextMaxLength" => "integer" "customTextRequired" => "boolean" "defaultLinkName" => "string" "defaultText" => "string" "enableAriaLabel" => "boolean" "enableAllLinkTypes" => "boolean" "enableElementCache" => "boolean" "enableTitle" => "boolean" ] +skipOnNull: true +typecastAfterValidate: true +typecastBeforeSave: false +typecastAfterSave: false +typecastAfterFind: false -_attachedEvents: array:1 [ "afterValidate" => "afterValidate" ] } 1 => "afterValidate" ] 1 => null ] ] ] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "typecast" => yii\behaviors\AttributeTypecastBehavior {#2736} ] +id: "57" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2840 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1662116993 {#2866 : 2022-09-02 06:09:53.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link" +handle: "linkField" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "2377cac0-0d18-473a-b532-19dfdc49f4e5" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: true +sortOrder: null } #_owner: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 3 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687 #optgroups: true +options: array:5 [ 0 => array:3 [ "label" => "Light Blue Button" "value" => "primary" "default" => "1" ] 1 => array:3 [ "label" => "Dark Blue Button" "value" => "secondary" "default" => "" ] 2 => array:3 [ "label" => "White Button" "value" => "tertiary" "default" => "" ] 3 => array:3 [ "label" => "Simple Link" "value" => "btnLink" "default" => "" ] 4 => array:3 [ "label" => "Christmas Button" "value" => "christmas" "default" => "" ] ] +columnType: "string" #multi: false -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "58" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659076894 {#2881 : 2022-07-29 01:41:34.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1732204209 {#2739 : 2024-11-21 09:50:09.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +groupId: null +name: "Link Style" +handle: "linkStyle" +context: "superTableBlockType:ecbd0e9e-c231-4e4a-8c41-83918d1d4971" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: "field_" +columnSuffix: null +uid: "f038ebc4-450a-44e4-a07f-58de0e22bdc8" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2792 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 4 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: false -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#2793 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: "btnLink" +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null 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1 +sortOrder: 2 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687} ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2796} -_prevElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2814 +fieldId: 56 +primaryOwnerId: 41631 +ownerId: 41631 +typeId: 1 +sortOrder: 1 +dirty: false +collapsed: false +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:2 [ "linkField" => lenz\linkfield\fields\LinkField {#2692} "linkStyle" => craft\fields\Dropdown {#2687} ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:2 [ "linkField" => true "linkStyle" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: verbb\supertable\elements\SuperTableBlockElement {#2800} -_prevElement: false -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null 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+selected: false +valid: true } 2 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2776 +label: "White Button" +value: "tertiary" +selected: false +valid: true } 3 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2761 +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } 4 => craft\fields\data\OptionData {#2759 +label: "Christmas Button" +value: "christmas" +selected: false +valid: true } ] +label: "Simple Link" +value: "btnLink" +selected: true +valid: true } +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null 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