Ridge Care

Caring for People in Life-Transforming Circumstances
Any of us can find ourselves in a challenging season of life. At the Ridge, we believe no one should walk through life's most difficult moments alone.
Ridge Care is committed to creating safe places where hurting people can heal and grow more dependent on Jesus. We provide pastoral care and support in areas including marriage and family relationships, premarital education, divorce, grief and loss, addictive behaviors, and dependent care for individuals with special needs.
Learn more about our Care group environments below, or fill out our Care Form and our team will reach out to help you navigate your season of life.
verbb\hyper\models\LinkCollection {#3542 -_field: verbb\hyper\fields\HyperField {#973 +defaultLinkType: "default-verbb-hyper-links-entry" +newWindow: true +defaultNewWindow: false +multipleLinks: false +minLinks: null +maxLinks: null +fieldLayoutId: null +columnType: "text" +migrationData: [] -_isStatic: false -_linkTypes: array:10 [ 0 => verbb\hyper\links\Asset {#3104 +linkSiteId: null +sources: "*" +selectionLabel: null +showSiteMenu: true -_element: null -_elementCache: null +label: "Asset" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-asset" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "683bc15a-c34b-4dfb-8f09-c6d70a5251e9" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3091 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Asset" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-asset" : null } 1 => verbb\hyper\links\Category {#3100 +linkSiteId: null +sources: "*" +selectionLabel: null +showSiteMenu: true -_element: null -_elementCache: null +label: "Category" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-category" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "8e848706-abb5-48f8-badb-2764610ee0fe" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3096 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Category" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-category" : null } 2 => verbb\hyper\links\Custom {#3094 +placeholder: null +label: "Custom" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-custom" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "949603e1-8423-4170-a122-dc85fe0ca00b" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3101 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Custom" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-custom" } 3 => verbb\hyper\links\Email {#3110 +placeholder: null +label: "Email" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-email" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "82c4ab55-3d49-441a-a131-da0bd7516f43" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3099 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Email" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-email" } 4 => verbb\hyper\links\Embed {#3106 +placeholder: null +label: "Embed" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-embed" +enabled: false +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "d95da879-d773-49e9-9fcf-12cc40f5aa9b" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3103 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Embed" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-embed" } 5 => verbb\hyper\links\Entry {#3162 +linkSiteId: null +sources: "*" +selectionLabel: null +showSiteMenu: true -_element: null -_elementCache: null +label: "Entry" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-entry" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "26e24d1f-29de-48c0-9fc2-bd6ffccd2c5d" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3105 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Entry" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-entry" : null } 6 => verbb\hyper\links\Phone {#3161 +placeholder: null +label: "Phone" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-phone" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "fec93ad1-b663-404f-8cfb-f0d8df5df805" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3160 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Phone" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-phone" } 7 => verbb\hyper\links\Site {#3169 +sites: "*" +label: "Site" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-site" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "4921892c-5155-44c9-9d44-7c0d5910d9c0" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3158 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Site" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-site" } 8 => verbb\hyper\links\Url {#2866 +placeholder: null +label: "URL" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-url" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "ae04e052-77e1-4ffb-80d2-54c783152eba" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: verbb\hyper\fields\HyperField {#973} +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3166 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Url" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-url" } 9 => verbb\hyper\links\User {#3177 +linkSiteId: null +sources: "*" +selectionLabel: null +showSiteMenu: true -_element: null -_elementCache: null +label: "User" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-user" +enabled: false +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "897cd0d1-fbe1-4c4b-849e-614d078a6ab3" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] +newWindow: null +linkValue: null +linkText: null +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: null +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: null #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3170 …180} ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\User" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-user" : null } ] -_serializedLinkTypes: array:10 [ 0 => array:9 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Asset" "label" => "Asset" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-asset" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "683bc15a-c34b-4dfb-8f09-c6d70a5251e9" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] "sources" => "*" "showSiteMenu" => true ] 1 => array:9 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Category" "label" => "Category" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-category" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "8e848706-abb5-48f8-badb-2764610ee0fe" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] "sources" => "*" "showSiteMenu" => true ] 2 => array:7 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Custom" "label" => "Custom" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-custom" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "949603e1-8423-4170-a122-dc85fe0ca00b" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] 3 => array:7 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Email" "label" => "Email" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-email" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "82c4ab55-3d49-441a-a131-da0bd7516f43" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] 4 => array:7 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Embed" "label" => "Embed" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-embed" "enabled" => false "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "d95da879-d773-49e9-9fcf-12cc40f5aa9b" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] 5 => array:9 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Entry" "label" => "Entry" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-entry" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "26e24d1f-29de-48c0-9fc2-bd6ffccd2c5d" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] "sources" => "*" "showSiteMenu" => true ] 6 => array:7 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Phone" "label" => "Phone" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-phone" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "fec93ad1-b663-404f-8cfb-f0d8df5df805" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] 7 => array:8 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Site" "label" => "Site" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-site" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "4921892c-5155-44c9-9d44-7c0d5910d9c0" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] "sites" => "*" ] 8 => array:7 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\Url" "label" => "URL" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-url" "enabled" => true "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "ae04e052-77e1-4ffb-80d2-54c783152eba" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] 9 => array:9 [ "type" => "verbb\hyper\links\User" "label" => "User" "handle" => "default-verbb-hyper-links-user" "enabled" => false "isCustom" => false "layoutUid" => "897cd0d1-fbe1-4c4b-849e-614d078a6ab3" "layoutConfig" => array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ …2] ] "sources" => "*" "showSiteMenu" => true ] ] -_linkTypeFields: null -_originElement: null -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "1" +dateCreated: DateTime @1658238100 {#971 : 2022-07-19 08:41:40.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1734026177 {#972 : 2024-12-12 11:56:17.0 America/Chicago (-06:00) } +groupId: 1 +name: "Link" +handle: "linkField" +context: "global" +instructions: null +searchable: true +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: null +columnSuffix: "kwztcakg" +uid: "56b870d8-e4df-43a5-b160-4ebe7f30ea19" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } -_links: array:1 [ 0 => verbb\hyper\links\Url {#3174 +placeholder: null +label: "URL" +handle: "default-verbb-hyper-links-url" +enabled: true +isCustom: false +isNew: false +layoutUid: "ae04e052-77e1-4ffb-80d2-54c783152eba" +layoutConfig: array:1 [ "tabs" => array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "name" => "Content" "uid" => "d8f5cd71-7831-4859-bed4-d229f73e35d4" "elements" => array:2 [ …2] ] 1 => array:3 [ "name" => "Advanced" "uid" => "7533a97a-6061-4ace-9fee-dc68432f4cb0" "elements" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] ] +newWindow: true +linkValue: "https://austinridge.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/42/responses/new" +linkText: "Care Form" +ariaLabel: null +urlSuffix: null +linkTitle: null +classes: null +customAttributes: [] +fields: [] +field: verbb\hyper\fields\HyperField {#973} +isFieldRequired: false -_fieldLayout: craft\models\FieldLayout {#3175 +id: 137 +type: "verbb\hyper\links\Url" +uid: "ae04e052-77e1-4ffb-80d2-54c783152eba" +provider: null +reservedFieldHandles: null -_availableNativeFields: array:7 [ 0 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\AriaLabelField {#3191 +attribute: "ariaLabel" +requirable: true +inputType: null +type: "text" +autocomplete: false +class: null +size: null +name: null +maxlength: null +autofocus: false +autocorrect: true +autocapitalize: true +disabled: false +readonly: false +title: null +placeholder: null +step: null +min: null +max: null +mandatory: false +id: null +containerAttributes: [] +inputContainerAttributes: [] +labelAttributes: [] +orientation: null +translatable: false +label: null +instructions: null +tip: null +warning: null +required: false +width: 100 +uid: null -_layout: craft\models\FieldLayout {#3175} -_userCondition: null -_elementCondition: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] } 1 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\ClassesField {#3188 +attribute: "classes" +requirable: true +inputType: null +type: "text" +autocomplete: false +class: null +size: null +name: null +maxlength: null +autofocus: false +autocorrect: true +autocapitalize: true +disabled: false +readonly: false +title: null +placeholder: null +step: null +min: null +max: null +mandatory: false +id: null +containerAttributes: [] +inputContainerAttributes: [] +labelAttributes: [] +orientation: null +translatable: false +label: null +instructions: null +tip: null +warning: null +required: false +width: 100 +uid: null -_layout: craft\models\FieldLayout {#3175} -_userCondition: null -_elementCondition: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] } 2 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\CustomAttributesField {#3184 +attribute: "customAttributes" +requirable: true +mandatory: false +id: null +containerAttributes: [] +inputContainerAttributes: [] +labelAttributes: [] +orientation: null +translatable: false …16 } 3 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\LinkField {#3194 …44} 4 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\LinkTextField {#3195 …42} 5 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\LinkTitleField {#3197 …42} 6 => verbb\hyper\fieldlayoutelements\UrlSuffixField {#3200 …42} ] -_tabs: array:2 [ 0 => craft\models\FieldLayoutTab {#3179 …15} 1 => craft\models\FieldLayoutTab {#3186 …15} ] -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] } #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: true -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3167 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: null +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null +showMeetingCategoryFilter: null +bannerBlocks: null +carouselMedia: null +linkList: null +linkStyle: null +fontFace: null +colourSwatchCallToAction: null +colourSwatchSocialMediaCta: null +socialLinkOne: null +socialLinkTwo: null +facebookLink: null +instagramLink: null +shortName: null +faqs: null +lightswitch: null +media: null +colourSwatchHalfWidthMedia: null +colourSwatchThreeQuarterWidthMedia: null +addressLine1: null +city: null +state: null +zipCode: null +serviceTimes: null +aslInterpretationAvailability: null +color: null +colourSwatchSolidBar: null +viewLimit: null +headingSimple: null +opacity: null +summary: null +locationDetails: null +calendar: null +emptyResultsMessage: null +formieForm: null +colourSwatchFormieForm: null +video: null +cost: null +logo: null +when: null +logoBackgroundColor: null +entry: null +calendarEvent: null +passage: null +date: null +navigationFeatures: null +videoUrl: null +sermonSeries: null +role: null +aspectRatio: null +book: null +preparsedIsSpeaker: null +speakerFilters: null +showSpeakerFilter: null +preparsedSermonSeries: null +bookFilters: null +showTopicFilter: null +showBookFilter: null +sermon: null +preparsedBookAndPassage: null +showSeriesFilter: null +sermonSeriesFilters: null +email: null +days: null +displayBannerStartTime: null +displayBannerEndTime: null +resiVideoSource: null +showCardViewToggle: null +enablePagination: null +richText: null +events: null +mapLink: null +hideRelatedContent: null +longformContent: null +relatedContent: null +hideShareLinks: null +entryLink: null +beeCaveInformationLinkList: null +defaultInformationCopy: null +defaultInformationLinks: null +startPromptOnNewLine: null +southwestInformationCopy: null +inputType: null +parkingInformation: null +drippingSpringsInformationLinkList: null +beeCaveInformationCopy: null +visitingDetails: null +allowMultipleSelections: null +southwestInformationLinkList: null +resultsHeading: null +drippingSpringsInformationCopy: null +showCampusAddress: null +sidebarBlocks: null +detailBannerHeading: null +detailBannerBacklink: null +imageType: null +variableMedia: null +colors: null +fromColor: null +toColor: null +sidebarLinksTitle: null +textColor: null +previewImage: null +topicFilters: null +storySeries: null +storyTopics: null +byline: null +story: null +dateOverrideText: null +sermonTopicFilters: null +sermonTopics: null +showSermonTopicFilter: null +hideCampus: null +storyDate: null +podcastTopics: null +podcast: null +podcastDate: null +podcastSeries: null +podcastTopicFilters: null +storyTopicFilters: null +podcastSeriesFilters: null +storySeriesFilters: null +shortLink: null +jsonLdSchema: null +audioFile: null +speakerArchive: null +highlandlakesInformationCopy: null +highlandlakesInformationLinkList: null +excludeFromStaffPage: null +hideNonStaffTeamMembers: null +scriptEmbed: null -_customFieldValues: [] +owner: verbb\hyper\links\Url {#3174} -_attachedEvents: [] } ] +id: null +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: null +siteSettingsId: null +fieldLayoutId: null +structureId: null +contentId: null +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: null +dateUpdated: null +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: null +lft: null +rgt: null +level: null +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false : "verbb\hyper\links\Url" : "default-verbb-hyper-links-url" : true : "https://austinridge.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/42/responses/new" : "Care Form" } ] -_element: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3008 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4920 +ownerId: 4920 +typeId: 14 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 1 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: array:5 [ "heading" => craft\redactor\Field {#906 +uiMode: "normal" +redactorConfig: "Heading.json" +availableVolumes: "" +availableTransforms: "*" +showUnpermittedVolumes: false +showUnpermittedFiles: false +showHtmlButtonForNonAdmins: false +configSelectionMode: "choose" +manualConfig: "" +defaultTransform: "" +purifierConfig: null +purifyHtml: true +removeInlineStyles: false +removeEmptyTags: false +removeNbsp: false +columnType: "text" -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "7" +dateCreated: DateTime @1658238100 {#904 : 2022-07-19 08:41:40.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1659076893 {#911 : 2022-07-29 01:41:33.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: 1 +name: "Heading" +handle: "heading" +context: "global" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: null +columnSuffix: null +uid: "5b36c9d9-d2bd-49fd-9f31-cb8f5c306db3" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: true +sortOrder: null } "body" => craft\redactor\Field {#750 +uiMode: "enlarged" +redactorConfig: "RichText.json" +availableVolumes: "*" +availableTransforms: "*" +showUnpermittedVolumes: false +showUnpermittedFiles: false +showHtmlButtonForNonAdmins: false +configSelectionMode: "choose" +manualConfig: "" +defaultTransform: "" +purifierConfig: null +purifyHtml: false +removeInlineStyles: true +removeEmptyTags: true +removeNbsp: true +columnType: "text" -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "3" +dateCreated: DateTime @1658238100 {#748 : 2022-07-19 08:41:40.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1663187125 {#749 : 2022-09-14 15:25:25.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: 1 +name: "Body" +handle: "body" +context: "global" +instructions: null +searchable: true +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: null +columnSuffix: null +uid: "bb24dcb3-db1a-4fa9-a818-3ae906b99f4c" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: true +sortOrder: null } "bodySimple" => craft\redactor\Field {#1217 +uiMode: "enlarged" +redactorConfig: "SimpleLink.json" +availableVolumes: "*" +availableTransforms: "*" +showUnpermittedVolumes: false +showUnpermittedFiles: false +showHtmlButtonForNonAdmins: false +configSelectionMode: "choose" +manualConfig: "" +defaultTransform: "" +purifierConfig: null +purifyHtml: true +removeInlineStyles: true +removeEmptyTags: true +removeNbsp: true +columnType: "text" -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "4" +dateCreated: DateTime @1658238100 {#1215 : 2022-07-19 08:41:40.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1689093711 {#1216 : 2023-07-11 11:41:51.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: 1 +name: "Text" +handle: "bodySimple" +context: "global" +instructions: null +searchable: true +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: null +columnSuffix: null +uid: "17041079-ff92-4a25-a770-d61c7913f7b0" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } "linkField" => verbb\hyper\fields\HyperField {#973} "color" => craft\fields\Color {#791 +defaultColor: null -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: [] +id: "86" +dateCreated: DateTime @1659428289 {#789 : 2022-08-02 03:18:09.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1659428289 {#793 : 2022-08-02 03:18:09.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +groupId: 1 +name: "Color" +handle: "color" +context: "global" +instructions: null +searchable: false +describedBy: null +translationMethod: "none" +translationKeyFormat: null +oldHandle: null +oldSettings: null +columnPrefix: null +columnSuffix: "ewpsxpef" +uid: "525163bc-9a3d-4b59-94d9-07363fcca0a0" +layoutId: null +tabId: null +required: false +sortOrder: null } ] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: array:5 [ "heading" => true "body" => true "bodySimple" => true "linkField" => true "color" => true ] -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3038 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4920 +ownerId: 4920 +typeId: 19 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 2 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3044 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4920 +ownerId: 4920 +typeId: 53 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 3 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3053 +fieldId: 2 +primaryOwnerId: 4920 +ownerId: 4920 +typeId: 19 +deletedWithOwner: false +saveOwnership: true -_owner: null -_eagerLoadedBlockTypeElements: null +_collapsed: null +sortOrder: 4 +oldLevel: null +dirty: false +unsavedId: null -_allElements: null -_liveQueries: [] -_useMemoized: false #revisionCreatorId: null #revisionNotes: null -_canonicalId: null -_canonical: null -_canonicalAnySite: null -_canonicalUid: null -_outdatedAttributes: null -_modifiedAttributes: null -_outdatedFields: null -_modifiedFields: null -_initialized: true -_fieldsByHandle: [] -_fieldParamNamePrefix: null -_normalizedFieldValues: null -_allDirty: false -_dirtyAttributes: [] -_savedTitle: null -_dirtyFields: [] -_nextElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3048 …93} -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3044} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ …1] +id: 29198 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "f0a5fdd6-8e46-425b-9d68-5cd9957c7076" +siteSettingsId: 29198 +fieldLayoutId: 47 +structureId: 54865 +contentId: 19650 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1662007297 {#3046 …1} +dateUpdated: DateTime @1697649095 {#3050 …1} +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 301715 +lft: 8 +rgt: 9 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3038} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3045 …180} ] +id: 49173 +tempId: null +draftId: null +revisionId: null +isProvisionalDraft: false +uid: "56cbb36e-78d3-40b1-aa1b-291f26f5fa63" +siteSettingsId: 49173 +fieldLayoutId: 118 +structureId: 54865 +contentId: 33043 +enabled: true +archived: false +siteId: 1 +title: null +slug: null +uri: null +dateCreated: DateTime @1664199776 {#3043 : 2022-09-26 08:42:56.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateUpdated: DateTime @1692904243 {#3042 : 2023-08-24 14:10:43.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } +dateLastMerged: null +dateDeleted: null +root: 301715 +lft: 6 +rgt: 7 +level: 1 +searchScore: null +trashed: false +awaitingFieldValues: false +propagating: false +validatingRelatedElement: false +propagateAll: false +newSiteIds: [] +isNewForSite: false +resaving: false +duplicateOf: null +firstSave: false +mergingCanonicalChanges: false +updatingFromDerivative: false +previewing: false +hardDelete: false } -_prevElement: benf\neo\elements\Block {#3008} -_parentId: null -_parent: null -_hasNewParent: null -_prevSibling: null -_nextSibling: null -_eagerLoadedElements: [] -_eagerLoadedElementCounts: [] -_currentRevision: null -_enabledForSite: true -_uiLabel: null -_uiLabelPath: [] -_isFresh: null -_errors: null -_validators: null -_scenario: "default" -_events: [] -_eventWildcards: [] -_behaviors: array:1 [ "customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#3041 +hasMethods: false +canSetProperties: false +linkField: null +blocks: null +body: null +bodySimple: """ <p>Ridge Care is a safe place to be known, to get help, and to grow spiritually.</p>\n <p><br />Hear from our Ridge Care team and learn more about how we provide support and biblical counsel, and partner with outside professionals, to help people experience the fullness of life in Christ.<br /></p> """ +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: null +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: "Navigating real, everyday situations with a biblical worldview" +campuses: null +ministries: null +campusFilters: null +ministryFilters: null +showCampusFilter: null +showMinistryFilter: null +showAllCampusCategories: null +showAllMinistryCategories: null +defaultCampus: null +numberOfEntriesPerPage: null +featuredEvents: null +defaultView: null +meetingCategoryFilters: null +categories: null +secondaryLink: null +tertiaryLink: null +isFeatured: null +hideStartDateTime: null +hideEndDateTime: null +phone: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +departments: null +jobTypes: null +teamMembers: null +defaultJobType: null +defaultDeparment: null +departmentFilters: null +jobTypeFilters: null +showDepartmentFilter: null +showJobTypeFilter: null +showAllDepartmentCategories: null +showAllJobTypeFilters: null +showAllMeetingCategories: null 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At the Ridge, we believe no one should walk through life's most difficult moments alone.</p>\r\n <p>Ridge Care is committed to creating safe places where hurting people can heal and grow more dependent on Jesus. We provide pastoral care and support in areas including marriage and family relationships, premarital education, divorce, grief and loss, addictive behaviors, and dependent care for individuals with special needs.<br></p> """ -content: """ <p>Any of us can find ourselves in a challenging season of life. At the Ridge, we believe no one should walk through life's most difficult moments alone.</p>\r\n <p>Ridge Care is committed to creating safe places where hurting people can heal and grow more dependent on Jesus. We provide pastoral care and support in areas including marriage and family relationships, premarital education, divorce, grief and loss, addictive behaviors, and dependent care for individuals with special needs.<br></p> """ -charset: "UTF-8" } +bodySimple: craft\redactor\FieldData {#3086 -_rawContent: "<p>Learn more about our Care group environments below, or fill out our Care Form and our team will reach out to help you navigate your season of life.</p>" -content: "<p>Learn more about our Care group environments below, or fill out our Care Form and our team will reach out to help you navigate your season of life.</p>" -charset: "UTF-8" } +bodySimpleLink: null +entries: null +heading: craft\redactor\FieldData {#3065 -_rawContent: "<p>Caring for People in Life-Transforming Circumstances</p>" -content: "<p>Caring for People in Life-Transforming Circumstances</p>" -charset: "UTF-8" } +image: null +images: null +seo: null +subheading: null +campuses: null +ministries: null 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What is Ridge Care?
Ridge Care is a safe place to be known, to get help, and to grow spiritually.
Hear from our Ridge Care team and learn more about how we provide support and biblical counsel, and partner with outside professionals, to help people experience the fullness of life in Christ.
Explore Our Care Group Environments
Showing 1-6 of 18
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Soar: Pregnancy + Infant Loss Ministry
Soar: Pregnancy + Infant Loss Ministry
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Our Stories
“I started noticing that no matter what it was that I was chasing after, whether it was money, or success, or popularity, that I wasn’t ever really satisfied.”
Ridge Care Team
Showing 8 of 12
Amy Sutherland
Embrace Director
All Campuses
Amy Sutherland
Embrace Director
All Campuses
Amy is a native Austinite and graduate of Baylor University. She is passionate about making church accessible and welcoming for all families. She is married to Bo, and they are raising three teenage girls, Trinity, Felicity and Charity. In their free time they enjoy traveling, hiking and exploring new restaurants. Amy is passionate about helping others identify their strengths and use them to serve others!
Cheryl Vaughan
Women's Care Director
Bee Cave
Cheryl Vaughan
Women's Care Director
Bee Cave
A Texan through and through, Cheryl grew up in the Dallas area. She attended the University of Texas at Austin (Hook ‘Em!) for both her undergraduate and graduate studies earning a Bachelor in Psychology and a Master of Counselor Education. She met her husband, Luke, in 2003 while attending college. Her relationship with Luke and a relentless roommate inviting her to Bible study led Cheryl to Christ at the age of 22.
After becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor and spending years in secular counseling, Cheryl was offered a job at Ridge Counseling where she enjoyed the freedom to invite Jesus into the counseling room. It was this experience that reinforced Cheryl’s conviction that there is no hope outside of Christ and the pivotal role of a relationship with the Lord in reaching mental health goals. After taking some time to be a full time mom to her three daughters, Cheryl is overjoyed to return as a member of the Ridge Care team. In her free time, Cheryl loves all things crafty: quilting, knitting, embroidery, and sewing! -
Glenn Gordon
Men's Ministry + Care Pastor
Dripping Springs
Glenn Gordon
Men's Ministry + Care Pastor
Dripping Springs
Glenn grew up on the coast of Florida and moved to Texas shortly after graduating from the University of Florida, where he "majored in Psychology and minored in celebrating National Championships." He and his wife, Katelyn, met while both were students at Dallas Theological Seminary and together have three beautiful girls. Glenn's been in pastoral ministry for over a decade and carries two master's degrees in Christian Education and Media Arts & Communications. Glenn enjoys golf and teaching his daughters to root for his Florida Gators, Atlanta Braves, and Denver Broncos. Serving our Dripping Springs Campus, he is passionate about helping our people find their place to belong and grow in their pursuit of Christ.
Jacquelyn Burton
Marriage + Parenting + Worship Ministry Assistant
Bee Cave
Jacquelyn Burton
Marriage + Parenting + Worship Ministry Assistant
Bee Cave
Jacquelyn is a proud Texan who grew up on a cattle ranch in southwest Texas. She is married to Loden, a hilarious guy and Nashville native. Together, they embarked on a journey back to Texas in 2020, settling in Bee Cave. They are blessed with two sweet children, Atticus and Adelaide. With a heart overflowing with love for Jesus, Jacquelyn is dedicated and passionate about sharing God’s Word and loving others well. She is deeply grateful and blessed to serve the community of believers at Austin Ridge Bible Church on a daily basis! In her spare time, you can find her indulging in her love for Mexican food (specifically, chips and salsa), curling up with a good book, or making sweet memories with her family.
Janessa Kupfer
Care Ministry Assistant
Bee Cave
Janessa Kupfer
Care Ministry Assistant
Bee Cave
Janessa is from California and moved to Texas in 2019 to marry her husband, Landon Kupfer. Some of her favorite things include spending time with her husband and goldendoodle, treasure hunting at Barnes and Noble, paddleboarding or jet skiing, and all things Fall—especially pumpkins. She holds a degree in Psychology from Biola University and has always had a strong desire to help people who are hurting and be there to support in their time of need. With a deep passion for worship ministry, Janessa is thrilled to now be serving the Austin Ridge body in a new capacity through the Care Ministry.
Jason Ogle
Marriage + Parenting Pastor
All Campuses
Jason Ogle
Marriage + Parenting Pastor
All Campuses
Jason has lived most of his life in the midwest and has served as a church planter, lead pastor, and associate pastor. He has degrees in Theology and Education and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling. Jason is married to Tracy, a Texas native. They have two adult children, Megan and Trenton. Jason enjoys trying unique foods, playing bass guitar, hiking, and finding great coffee. He loves to equip families to follow Jesus and is excited to be a part of Austin Ridge.
Kimberly Ralph
Care + Equip + Mens + Students Ministry Assistant
Kimberly Ralph
Care + Equip + Mens + Students Ministry Assistant
Kimberly moved to Austin from Detroit when she was 21 years old. She loves hot weather and could not wait to get out of the snow. She attended Liberty University and graduated with a Communications-TV/Radio/Film degree. She is married to John with three adult children who still live in Austin. Kimberly has a passion for home decorating and landscape maintenance, so if she’s not shopping for home décor, you can find her with a chainsaw in hand out in the yard. A runner for over 22 years, she now enjoys time on the trail at Ladybird Lake, walking her dogs, and light biking. Her passion is talking with and encouraging high school students, college students, and young adults about life, God’s promise of a ‘future and a hope’ and how Jesus has a plan.
Micah VanDover
Men's Ministry + Care Pastor
Micah VanDover
Men's Ministry + Care Pastor
Micah comes from a real estate/business background and has a consuming passion about connecting people to Christ through evangelism, discipleship, learning the Bible better, and living out God’s Word. Micah would not rather be doing anything else than helping equip the church to know God and make Him known. Helping men thrive in their relationship with Christ and seeing that vertical relationship transcend every horizontal aspect of their lives - from marriage to parenting, from work and to leisure - is an opportunity he is thankful to pour his life into.